Instructor: Tanya Bell-Jenje
Highlights of Course
- 2 day In Person Practical Course
- Functional Biomechanics & Clinical Anatomy
- Identify risk factors
- Best exercises for best outcomes
- Make your management more patient-centred
In Person Practical Course
On this course you will learn:
- Functional Biomechanics & Clinical Anatomy of the lumbar, pelvis, hip & lower limbs are taught, with an immediate Clinical application. Understand anatomy & its clinical relevance to movement function & dysfunction.
- To identify abnormal movement patterns, muscle imbalances & local ‘core’ inhibition and interpret their clinical relevance.
- Understand lumbo-pelvic & femero-pelvic control, timing & recruitment.
- Identify risk factors for persistent injuries of the Lower Quarter.
- Assess the Lower Quarter in detail with an innovative, quick but comprehensive assessment protocol.
- Clinical Reasoning. Acquire skills for predictive reasoning. Learn to prioritize management.
- To develop individual-specific treatment & rehabilitation strategies that are evidence-based.
- Best exercises for best outcomes: targeted motor control, open & closed chain, stabilisation, progressive functional exercises etc.
- Learn how to progress rehabilitation beyond the clinical setting to restore the patient to their ‘pre-injury’ condition
- Make your management more patient-centred to grow your practice & improve patient outcomes.
Suitable for:
This course is suitable for the Therapist involved in the treatment of patients with acute, unresolved or persistent pain or dysfunction of Lower quarter origin. Skills taught on this course can be applied equally to the sporty (recreational & elite) as well as the inactive patient, from young children to the elderly.
A revision of the anatomy of the lumbar spine & pelvic girdle is strongly recommended prior to attending this course.
Updated 2025 Content
Course Information
The world has changed. Most Physiotherapy courses are online & Webinars have exploded onto the scene. As a result, theoretical knowledge within the profession has improved tenfold, but Clinical skills, Manual skills & Clinical reasoning skills have declined. Assessing the whole patient to find the source of the problem, the Primary Driver, is becoming a lost art. So much sub-grouping is taking place, practitioners are becoming ‘experts’ in one joint, losing the knowledge to look at co-relationships & regional inter-dependence. This means that patient-centred care is under threat as successful treatment outcomes are potentially reduced.
This Clinically relevant course introduces the clinician to concepts necessary to evaluating the movement system as a whole, respecting the Biopsychosocial model, aimed at finding the primary source of the problem.
The information provided in this course is up to date (2025) with all current research considered of merit included. Many of the testing procedures are validated. Participants are taught to clinically reason research articles, testing procedures, and hypothesise potentially implicated structures to determine best patient-specific prescriptive management.
The focus for 2025 is to make the Going Global: The Ultimate Lower Quarter Course’ as clinically relevant as possible, packed with practical sessions & workshops, giving you skills that aren’t attainable online.
Expand your vast pool of knowledge by learning new key concepts and trends.
For anymore information please do not hesitate to contact us on