Learn advanced Physiotherapy skills to improve the well-being of your patients

Learn advanced Physiotherapy skills to improve the well-being of your patients

Evidence-based Courses presented by EXPERTS in their field

2025 Physiotherapy Courses

Our In-person Physiotherapy & Needling Courses are fun, educational, and evidence-based, providing you
with the tools to treat your patients safely and effectively the very next day!

2025 Courses

Our in-person courses are fun, educational, and evidence-based, providing you with the tools to treat your patients safely and effectively the very next day!

Online Physiotherapy Courses

Our user-friendly GrooviEduLectures online platform provides you with online lectures
at your own time and pace, no matter where in the world you are!

Online Courses

Our user-friendly GrooviEduLectures online platform provides you with online lectures at your own time and pace, no matter where in the world you are!

physiotherapy courses
Elbow Assessment Live Webinar

Elbow Assessment: Tips and Tricks Online Course

Course Info

BIn clinical practice we are often faced with patients presenting with elbow pain. What on first glance is a simple joint to assess & treat, often rears its obstinate head with multiple complexing presentations, histories of persistent pain & often hyperalgesia with associated contributing factors from other neural, vascular & musculo-skeletal structures.

physiotherapy courses

Better Management of Chronic Lower Back Pain Online Course

Course Info

Learn more about the Better Management of Chronic Lower Back Pain. Currently almost 85% of people living in Africa experience low back pain annually. Assessment of provocative factors such as sustained postures and positions that create persistent structural overload is needed.

physiotherapy courses
Trochanteric Pain Syndrome

The Buttock as a source of Pain Online Course

Course Info

In this presentation we differentiate SIJ pain from Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome and from Deep Gluteal Pain Syndrome (DGPS). Specific pathologies that fall under the umbrella term of DGPS are described and discussed, as is their clinical presentation and best management including prescriptive advice and rehabilitation.

Our Instructors

Meet the experts providing you with the tools and knowledge
to treat your patients safely and effectively.

Our Instructors

Meet the experts providing you with the tools and knowledge to treat your patients safely and effectively.

Ian Grey

Ian Grey

Chairperson of The McKenzie Institute Southern Africa
Lara Davis

Lara Davis

BMedSc. Human Biology (UFS), BSc. Physio (UFS), MSc. Physio (Wits)
Benita Olivier

Prof. Benita Olivier

BSC. Physio (UP ), MSc. Physio (Wits), MSc. Motion Analysis (University of Dundee), Ph.D. Physio (Wits)